At last year's endurance race, we failed badly blowing up our engine in only 15 laps... This year, the ChrisFix Soapy Wooder Racers are ready for their comeback! We spent a year rebuilding and swapping a junkyard motor into the car and fixing tons of small broken parts to make our endurance lemon BMW ready to race for 14hrs. Will we last more than 15 laps? Will the engine blow up again? Can we make it to the finish line after 14hrs of racing? Find out!
Oil Test Kit:
ChrisFix Extendable Ratchets: Coming Soon!!!!
Buying the Lemon BMW:
How to Replace Power Steering Pump:
Complete Weight Reduction Episode:
What Happened to the Lemons BMW:
How did the BMW Engine Blow Up?:
How to Install a Quick Release Steering Wheel:
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Garrett: "Oil pressure light is on..." Garrett: "Are you coming to the pits?" Garrett: "He's gonna have to wait for a tow from the track" Well that's not good... Ah Shoot that looks like oil. And Yes, it's oil, not good. Do you know what happened? Aaron: "I have no clue" Garrett: "Look at that" Garrett: "That wasn't important, right?" Jay: "Come onnnnnn, oh that's so not good".

Jay: "Alright so who's got an engine?" So As some of the team went out to go pick up the engine we found at a local junkyard, the rest of us got the car in the garage and started to disassemble the car so we could pull out our blown engine. We Spent most of that race day just removing parts so we could get to the engine and as you can see, there were a lot of parts. And Finally, by the end of the day we were able to remove the engine, but unfortunately it was too late.... But I Want you to listen to one important thing I said while we cheered on all the teams finished the race.

Next year, this right here, this is our goal! I Want to see our car finishing the race and be a part of this parade... This is really cool! But We have a lot of work we need to do. We need to get our car sorted... So We came here with a running engine in the car and high hopes,.

And We left pushing our car into the trailer and the drive shaft of shame flopping around, and this isn't how anybody wanted our first endurance race to go... Hey Guys ChrisFix Here and today we are making our big comeback! We are back at New Jersey Motorsports Park for the 24 Hours of Lemons endurance race and this year we are prepared to finish this race! But Before we get on the racetrack I Want to bring some good luck to the team... All Right team,. So last year, as we know, we had some pretty bad luck with our car blowing the engine at 15 laps in...

And then not having enough time to swap out to a new one. So I Wanted to bring some good luck to the team. so I got this... This is the rod from our #2 piston, and it goes to the guy who was unlucky enough to be driving it when it sent it to the moon...

So he gets to wear it! So Hopefully this year we do much better. Let's try to get at least...what do you think like 200 laps? Ok, more than 15 laps this year and we'll go with that... Lets Try to finish. Our Big goals to go to the finish line and finish, and do that parade lap...

So There we go. Hopefully this brings us a little good luck! So With the car ready to go before we could race, we needed a pass tech inspection. And You can see we have an actual theme this year for the Soapy Wooder Racers . Now Last year We passed tech inspection no problem at all.

So Again, this year we should pass no problem and we made the car even safer. Tech Inspector Dale Went over the car thoroughly and couldn't find any problems. So our car passed and we are now allowed to go on the track and race. Next up something we've all been dreading: the infamous BS inspection where Inspector Eric makes sure everyone has a $500 car, and if not, he'll add penalty laps to even the playing field so every team has a chance at winning this race.
Judge Eric: "So this is the motor you bought last year?" This is the junkyard motor that we got last year, after we blew up. So The common failure points we tried to make a little more reliable. Judge Eric: "Seems Like a reasonable set of progress to take." Judge Eric: "Well it's good to see you back" Good to see you as well Judge Eric: "The car looks... nice? Which is weird...

" Judge Eric: "but you know... it's not just silver which is good." Judge Eric: "So let me see your tech sheet, you guys pass Tech"! Yessir Judge Eric "That's good. So Being a BMW you're gonna stay in class A which is the fast class." Judge Eric " but uh, you know.... Sweet! Judge Eric "And you're all set." Thank you very much! All right? So with a safe car and no penalty laps, this year is going to be a little bit different because not only are we racing against 136 other teams,, but we're also racing against two teams that you might know of.

First We have Team BisforBuild and their 2004 Mercedes CLK 320! And Next we have Team RichRebuilds and their 1993 Volkswagen Jetta! All Right and then finally the Soapy Wooder Racers! My team, my friends, and we're gonna kick some butt today!!! All Right and the last thing left before the race could start is the driver's meeting. This is where they go over all the rules for the race and to start the meeting. Lemons always has a charity with a great cause and this time it's Alex's Lemonade Stand which raises money for research, treatment and cures for. Childhood Cancer If we can hit five thousand dollars this weekend we will hit 100 000 dollars that we raised just from women's races.

So anyway, thank you again for coming out to support us and let's hope we get that number to hit a hundred thousand dollars and it'll be all thanks to you guys for being so generous. Thanks again and when I heard there this post to reaching their hundred thousand dollar goal I Couldn't help it I had to do something just wanted to say and I want everybody pretend you didn't see that man's face. All right, All right, let's get down to the semi-important stuff. General advice for Lemons: Now for the remainder of the driver's meeting.

we're told about all the different rules, how to get on and off the track, what the different flags mean, the speed limit in the pits, Stuff like that your daddy issues by t-boning and elbowing and trying to step on a guy's head to show how awesome you are right? right? All right now. with the driver's meeting over, we have about 30 minutes until race time. The team decided I should race first. so I'm suited up and I'll get us started.

And this is really cool because even though we're all amateurs, none of us have ever raced door to door before except for the 15 laps last year which doesn't really count. We have a legit race team. Everyone has their own jobs to make sure that we could function from getting the driver strapped in safely to connecting the cool suit and the communication radio and everything in between. We good is our expression's good.
good. Well here it goes. Thank you all right hand on track. there we go.

So the star of the race is a rolling start Which means we have a few minutes until the green flag so real quick. This track is the Thunderbolt Raceway which is a two and a quarter mile long track. It has 12 turns and a half mile straight where we could hit 120 miles an hour. That's also where the finish line is located.

And speaking of the finish line, right now we're passing the last turn getting onto the straight and the green flag drops on Bees for Build, who's three cars in front of me, so it's time to chase them down. At the end of the street is a tight right turn where we'll definitely be testing the brakes. and then there's a short straight and another right and you can see B is for Build right up there if you can't tell. I'm very very competitive.

Those guys are good friends of mine, but today we're taking no prisoners and remember, this is my first time really racing the car. The tires aren't warmed up yet so I'm being cautious, but Bees for Build is in my sights and I just can't help it. Now the race is broken up into two days. Today is eight hours of racing and tomorrow's another six hours for a total of 14 hours.

There's over 130 cars on the track, so it's a good thing that the track is big, but as you can see, this could cause traffic jams which makes things tricky. You just never know what line somebody else is going to take which could force you off the track or into another car. And at the same time you want to try to follow a good racing line. But you need to balance that with staying at a people's way because one accident could end our race.

So everything was going amazing. I was passing people left and right putting down great lap times, but just five laps in, we had our first major problem I'm flying down the street at 110 miles an hour passing a couple cars and then this happened and what you just witnessed was my gas pedal coming off. So I thought quickly and used my left foot to hold the pedal in place that way I could nurse the car back into the pits. The problem was the pedal was stuck behind the brake so if I press the brake, the car could accelerate.

Now it got so bad that I almost shut the car off, but that means we would have to wait for a tow and that would put us way behind Bees for build. So I kicked that gas pedal from under the brake and I got it off to the side so I could limp the car the rest of the way around the track and make it into the pits at the pits. My team was anxiously waiting to try to fix this as fast as possible. That way I could get back on the track.
so I was driving like this because the gas pedal fell off good so I was like that and then breaking and then that and instead of getting out of the car which would waste time Garrett Dove right in and I gave him as much room as I could and what happened was the plastic clip that the gas pedal walks into on the floor broke. So to fix it we used everybody's favorite track day tool zip ties. It's good now and with that the gas pedal was repaired. Will zip ties hold.

We'll find out, but it's done. Oh unplanned. That pit stop took six minutes which was about three laps, so not bad. We fixed the problem quickly and I was able to get back on track and make up for that lost time.

On average, each lap takes about two minutes for a pretty decent land. Sometimes there's traffic or a yellow flag so it's more than two minutes and then sometimes you have a really good lap with great racing lines and it's a little less than two minutes and at this point two minute laps wasn't good enough. I needed to go quicker so I was passing car after car putting down amazing sub two minute laps over and over and over and I was really cooking out there and it felt absolutely incredible. The whole team was getting excited as we closed the gap on Bees for Build.

We went from 15 positions behind to one position ahead and I was pushing the car harder than I ever knew I could. Their nerves of being a beginner and racing door-to-door were fading away and I started to understand why people love endurance racing. This is a blast, but with the fading nerves I got too comfortable too quickly and I really wanted to get past this. Honda I've been chasing down for a couple of laps and I thought I saw my move to pass but my inexperience quickly proved otherwise.

I had too much speed and since I didn't want to cut the guy off, I kept on the power and I had a horrible race line. so I slid off the track and unfortunately, when all four tires go off the track, you need to come in for a penalty. So I headed back to the Penalty area in the pits and I've never done this so we're about to find out together what actually happens. So what you do now.

When I got in for the penalty, I explained what happened and I was told to drive more carefully more defensively that way. I don't drive off the track again And since this was the team's first penalty of the race, it was more of a warning. don't suck. Yeah, it sounds like he said exactly what he said.

Luckily, our first penalty wasn't bad and it didn't take a lot of time. And funny enough, just as I finished my penalty and I was heading out, our Rivals were in my rear view mirror pulling right behind me because they went off the track for the second time. So this penalty for them was a little more than just a warning. So this is the Bart Simpson which is a classic.

you know, the opening of part of The Simpsons where parts so you can take the Sharpie and you're gonna ride on the car 100 times. That's this for sucks. So as their team rushed to write out 100 s's for sucks at this point we're behind in the standings and this was my chance to pull ahead. So I went all out pushing the car to the Limit but being smart where I passed people and after about an hour I was killing it.
I was having a blast but I wanted to get my friend some seat time. hey so it's been about an hour and I want you guys to get some seat time too so let's switch out drivers. I'll do another lap so you guys can get ready and I have to be honest after an hour I was exhausted I Never thought race car drivers were real athletes but boy was I wrong just in this 500. BMW the g-forces from the turns and the heartbreaking over and over was exhausting even just 110 Focus you need at all times was mentally taxi so now I had a new respect for race car drivers.

So now with me out of the car it's Garrett's turn to race. But before Garrett got in we did a quick underhood inspection just to check everything out and we noticed a problem with the car so we all got to work to fix it as quickly as possible. I'll show you guys in a second but the power steering pulley was rubbing up against the coolant expansion tank and if we didn't address this, we could lose all our coolant on the track. and if we didn't notice, we could destroy the engine.

So Garrett was under the car zip tying the radiator in expansion tank right up against the front core support so hopefully it won't rub so you can see our fix for the race: zip ties pulling the expansion tank away from the engine, you can see how close the tank is to the pulley and we're thinking and high speed turns the car might Flex or maybe the engine moves just enough so that the pulley hits the expansion tank. So I'm glad we caught this before the expansion tank broke and we could have easily overheated the engine ending our race. So with Garrett all suited up and strapped into the car, he was off. and unfortunately this Pit Stop took us over 20 minutes which put us way behind in the standings.

We still have a running and driving car but B is for build Was putting down laugh after lap and now they're 10 laps ahead of us. So Garrett has a lot of catching up to do and catching up. He did sure for his first few laps he was slow and cautious, building up his confidence and learning the limits of the car. and while a lot of cars passed him when he first started, Garrett got comfortable real quick and started putting down consistent sub two minute laps over and over.

Just watch his Focus as he passes these cars at 120 miles an hour like it's nothing. Not only that, but he caught us up to be his rebuild and we were only one lap behind. But every time we get close to them, something always happens. So Garrett was cooking with fire.
He was on a long left-hand sweeper, the one right before the straightaway and Watch What Happens uh, the engine just cut out on the last turn. Guys in the car fit the car if you can exit the track before the street copy I Just made it I'm coming in now. Fuel pump: Aaron Thinks it might be a fueling problem and we'll meet you over there and check it out. Heading over.

So Garrett got to the fuel pump and in New Jersey You can't pump your own gas even at the track so we had to wait for the guest attendant to do it for us. So just under half the tank. If you're heavy in the turns, you're gonna cut right certain right? I thought it broke it? yes and I didn't know this was a BMW thing. But the reason for this is because the fuel tank is split into two parts since the drive shaft runs under the tank and the fuel pump is only on one side of the tank with a slower transfer pump on the other.

So for the rest of the race, when the fuel level reaches half a tank, we need to come in and fill up. which is going to hurt us time-wise now. After we filled up, Garrett got back out on the track and finished up his hour of driving. He was looking good out there, hanging with some of the faster cars which was helping him pick the right lines and teaching him good strategies of getting around traffic.

After about an hour, Garrett's time was up, he got out of the car and this is where the whole team needs work. Our driver changes are clumsy and slow. On average, our driver change takes 10 to 15 minutes for this driver's change. We checked the coolant reservoir seems like the zip ties are working to keep the reservoir off the pulley and we also check the lug nuts to make sure they're still torqued to spec.

That way we don't lose a wheel on the track. Okay, so now it's Ari's turn. At this point, we're still behind Bees for build by five laps and we're an 83rd Place overall so hopefully Ari can make up some time. Thank you sir! And just like everybody else, this is Ari's first time out here wheel to Wheel racing and his first time on this track.

And to add to this challenge, it started raining and this is actually a good thing for our heavy all-wheel drive car. Now we had the advantage on the slick track. Most the other cars out here are either front wheel drive or rear-wheel drive so they can't take turns as fast without losing grip. And while everybody's lap times were overall slower in the rain, we used the all-wheel drive to our advantage and Ari got us from 83rd place to 74th.

Place after his half a tank was up, Ari came to the fuel pump and we filled her up. We did a driver change so Ari got out and now it's Aaron's turn. Good luck out there! Remember we're here to race for two days I Just wanted to give Aaron a friendly reminder because I know he's able to push this Beamer the hardest out of all of us. This will be the true test of whether the car can last and this was Aaron's first time in the car since Piston 2 decided to make our Engine air cooled.
so it's definitely nerve-wracking but it's time for some! Redemption and Aaron was ripping our Lemon's car around the track harder than she's ever been driven before. We're only a couple laps behind Bees for build and with Aaron behind the wheel, they are in trouble. Speaking of trouble, if you're wondering where Team Rich Rebuilds has been, Well, it's been a rough first race day for them. They've been struggling with fueling problems and fuel leaks which has been keeping them off the track.

Hopefully they could get it all sorted and we'll see them out here today and with Aaron blasting away on the track, he was pushing the car very hard to catch. B is for Build because if he passes him we'll have the lead so this is our chance. I'm not sure who is driving but they spotted Us in the rear view mirror and they aren't going to let us pass without a fight. So Aaron made his move and we were just barely ahead of Beers for build and since we just got ahead, Aaron did a couple more laps to give some buffer but with only half a tank left after this left, he headed in the fuel up and switched drivers with all our team's drivers getting in the car.

Once it was now my turn to get back in the car and as I was getting strapped in I was happy to see that team Rich rebuild was making their way out on the track and even though we were racing these guys, our whole team was excited to see them get some laps in. It's definitely no fun sitting on the sidelines working on your car while everybody's racing. I Raced the car for about an hour and a half and the more time I spent in this car the better I got. and to be honest I need a really good race car driver or race coach to teach me how to race properly.

But for now figuring it out on the Fly I think I'm doing pretty good after I was down a half a tank I came in and it was Garrett's turn to finish the day. strapped in, we noticed the tires were in rough shape. We have a new set of tires for tomorrow, but he was gonna have to make these last for our final hour on the track today. So Garrett headed out and hopefully this is our last pit stop for the day on the track.

even though the top he was putting down some great times and not only that, the car was doing awesome, but unfortunately the same couldn't be said about some of the other cars that we're racing against. Endurance racing takes its toll and even though it's a long 14-hour race, you're still pushing the car hard every lap and for many cars, that's just too much. I'm just glad we aren't the ones being towed in this year now because the time we spent fixing the car and testing it and fixing and testing this past year our car was running great and then finally after eight hours on the track, we finished the first day of our endurance race. It was awesome to actually have a running and driving car and we did a total of 187 laps and that put us in 52nd Place out of 136.
way better than the 15 laps last year. fees for build did awesome as well. They are 10 laps behind us in 68th place with 174 laps and even Rich rebuilds. Was able to get on the track today which was awesome to see.

So day one is complete and our team morale is higher than ever. I Couldn't be more proud of our team and how far we've come and our lemon is hanging in there tomorrow. We'll see if we can finish up the last six hours of racing and get to the finish line. So it's our final day racing and Ari's gonna start the race for the team we've got some new tires on WE Inspected the car and it's ready to go.

Just one last thing to do. Fire suppression's going hot okay and now we're ready to race so this is it. Six more hours of racing left yesterday was great, but now we're all a lot more comfortable in the car so today is going to be even better. Have fun out there and be safe.

Dude, we have six hours until the checkered flag so let's kick some butt. Can we stay ahead of our YouTube Rivals And more importantly, can we make it to the checkered flag and finish the race? We're about to find out and as Ari comes around the bend with a pack of cars, the green flag drops and we are off. Green Flag Green Flag Green flag. It is race time.

Go get him! Ari Foreign happens in six hours but here's the highlights to keep things interesting: Ari Did an awesome job with consistent sub two minute laps and we got down to 49th. Place and this made it so we're no longer neck and neck with B is for build. He just ran his best lap of the race at 149 1 but on his last lap before switching drivers, this happened I Have no clue where that cone came from but in a split second at 115 miles an hour, that took out our under tray and our fog light. Hopefully we didn't damage the coolant lines or anything like that under the car.

Luckily Ari was able to bring the car into the pits and we had to do a driver's change anyway. so this is perfect timing. but the excitement of the race distracted us and we got hit with an inexcusable penalty. Unfortunately with the adrenaline going Ari Accidentally went too fast in the paddocks.

The speed limit's 10 miles an hour, but we went 32 miles an hour so we got pulled into the Penalty Box Jay gave us a Stern warning not to speed and we 110 agree and we want everybody to be safe so it wasn't going to happen again. So we took our penalty which took about 20 minutes and it was time to switch out drivers anyway. So now it's Aaron's time to drive. While Aaron was getting strapped in, the team inspected for damage from hitting that cone and there was no visible damage besides the missing under tray, so we were good to go.

Now out of all of us, Aaron is the most comfortable in a BMW because he drips them determination to make back as much time as possible. He consistently lapped under 155 and for his timeout, he got the best lap of the race for our team, putting down a 147-6 Aaron is great at pushing the car to a limit but maintaining control right after his best lap. this happened and even with that contact, Aaron was able to maintain control of the car and safely keep the car on the track and keep us in the race, which is impressive. Speaking of contact, Aaron wasn't the only one who had a little bit of contact.
Slow Down Slow down. Slow down. crash on the straight. Aaron Be careful, there's a crash on the street.

pretty bad. Horn is definitely down. it's uh, got a wheel broken off. Doesn't look like they're going to start moving anytime.

Yeah, it doesn't look good now. might be a good time to pay. So as the whole track was under a caution, Aaron's been out for over an hour and a half so it was the perfect time to come back, fuel up, and switch out drivers. Yeah, come here.

come here. I Just had big contact with me on an alignment is like a hair off. We just need to watch the alignment on this tire. So Aaron explained the steering was off a little from the Miata hitting the front wheel, but she's still drivable and upon inspection, the tie rod is definitely bent a little, but it should be good to get us through the rest of the race.

So Aaron got out and I got in and I guess we'll see how she handles with a bent tie rod and just like that, I was off. Because of our strategy, we didn't fall behind in the standings since we pit during the caution and now the track is green. So I was out there putting down some of my best laps of the entire race. This time out the door-to-door race thing just clicked for me.

I felt like I knew how to push our car to the limits, using the entire track and taking the turns with more speed than ever before. Yeah, I was in control and looking pretty smooth out there. Passing cars that were blowing by me yesterday. Driving on the Ragged edge of the car's limits is a lot of fun.

Then after unknowingly putting down my best lap time of the race a 148 one Garrett jumped on the radio and he let me know Chris Can I get a copy? I hear you? I'm clear Chris Congratulations on 300 laps in the soapy water race car! 300 successful laughs and a personal best of one minute 48.103 seconds. Keep on the course and let us know we use fuel we're standing by! I Can't even begin to explain to you guys how amazing it felt at this moment. This is the feeling that gets you addicted to endurance racing. Last race we did 15 laps.

We struggled the entire race to swap a junkyard engine in. it was tortured. Today we just finished putting down 300 laps and we're actually a competitive race team. So after driving an hour and a half, we only had an hour and a half left in the race and it's now Garrett's turn to go out and finish up the race Just like everybody else on the team, Garrett was putting down his best laps running sub 155 laps over and over and over and getting his best lap time of 147.9 At this point, I Could safely say we're all just clicking with our lemons BMW But with everybody doing so well and with us pushing the car harder than ever before, there was only 30 minutes left until the checkered flag and disaster struck right at the end of the street.
Thank you! Jared Are you okay? yeah? I'm okay I Don't know about the car though. Try to drive it and be careful. If it doesn't feel right, you can always get it towed off the track. Garrett's first priority was checking on the other driver to make sure he was okay and once he got the thumbs up from the other driver, he got back on the track and headed in.

I Just want to make sure you're good, then you can just come in and we can check it out and as Garrett heads in, here's a replay from another angle: I'm curious to what you guys think I feel like Garrett passed them yet on the straight with plenty of room and then he followed the expected race line. There's a lot of space between the two cars, but if you guys could let me know in the comments. I'm just trying to see if there's anything we did wrong so that we could avoid this next time. Now, since we made contact with another car and all four tires went off the track, we had to go to the Penalty Box So Garrett made his way in and this was our second penalty of the day since our only other penalty today was in the beginning of the day.

Jay was a little more lenient so he gave Garrett and the team General racing advice on how to avoid contact while racing. Luckily, this was a pretty quick penalty and in less than five minutes we were good to go. Now, upon inspection, our rear wheel had red Miata paint on it and a slight Bend to it, but the suspension wasn't bent which was good news. Our poor car was taking some abuse from the Miatas today, but that didn't stop her so the car felt like it was driving fine and Garrett went right back out and made up that lost time from our penalty at this point we're in 38th Place way better than our 138th place from last year and as we neared to the end of the race Ari asked if he could jump in and finish up the last 20 minutes.

Garrett was cool with it so Garrett got out and Ari got in. you're good to go and the rest of the race was in his hands. After our wreck, this was an intense 20 minutes because Anything could happen at any time and we were so close to getting to the finish line and when that Checkered Flag dropped all we needed to do is finish the lap we're on across the finish line and we completed our first 14 hour endurance race. I Can't put into words how amazing this felt.

All the hard work that we put into this car paid off and we made our comeback. So we made our way over to the track exit and we cheered on all the teams that finished the race. and I gotta say Team B is for Build did an amazing job for their first ever race. They were ahead of us for a lot of the first day and they finished in 52nd Place with a total of 321 laps which is very impressive.
So nice work guys and finally what we've all been working so hard for! Not only did we finish the race this year, but we came in 42nd. Place with a total of 346 laps foreign and that's just under 800 race miles. That's insane! What a race! And unfortunately Team Rich rebuilds had a similar Lemons experience to our first race, completing only 16 laps. But I Can't wait to see their comeback next year! After the parade Ari Headed back to the garage spot and we met him there to do one more important thing since the engine was still hot now real quick before the award ceremony.

I Want to get an oil sample while the oil is still hot so we could check the condition of the engine and oil after 14 hours of abuse. So let's get the hose and the bottle to collect the sample. Then we can remove the oil dipstick and check it out. We didn't burn any oil this entire race, so we have a pretty good junkyard engine in here.

Next, we want to push our hose all the way into the oil pan so it reaches the oil. And the best part all you have to do is turn this nozzle and since the bottle has a vacuum in it, all the air is removed. That vacuum sucks the oil into the bottle and this is great because you don't have to drain all the oil to get a sample all right. So with the bottle pretty much filled, our sample is done.

I'll pack this up and get it in the mail so it could be analyzed. But don't worry with the magic of editing. I'll show you guys the results in a second. All right.

And like I said I Didn't want you guys to wait on this. So here are the results you can see right off the bat. We have a 9.4 out of 10, which means we're in good shape. We only had one problem I'll explain that in a second.

So there's three different categories that we're going to cover real quick. First we have our contamination category which is where we'd have any any dirt in the oil signified by silicon or maybe any coolant or water from like a head gasket leak or even fuel dilution from running too rich. But overall, we are good to go here. We are in the green.

None of these numbers are high. So next we have our wear. Metals now wear metals like copper, lead and Tin could mean that our bearings are starting to fail just like we had last year. But in this case these numbers look great.

So we are good to go here. Everything looks awesome, we're in the green and then finally we have our last category. This tells us the health of the oil and after 14 hours of racing. Unfortunately the oil viscosity is low and that's not good.

So if we take a look at the summary from their analysis you can see they tell us that viscosity is lower than acceptable for our 10W-60 oil. And the reason why is because our oil is shearing and the shearings caused by running the engine at high RPMs high temperatures for extended periods of time just like we did, shearing is no good because it's literally breaking down those long chains of molecules into smaller molecules and that changes the viscosity and that could increase engine wear which in an endurance race would be very bed. So we're going to try out a different oil brand. If you guys have any suggestions, comment below and we'll see what happens in our next race.
And I think this is a really important information so I'm glad we took the oil sample all right. Now it's time for some awards. The quest a an overall winner was a 91 BMW 318i with 414 laps, the class B winner was an 88 Ford Thunderbird with 407 laps and the class C winner was an 82 Dodge Omni with 384 laps. And while we didn't win anything at the awards ceremony for us, we won by finishing this race and being able to share that with friends was incredible.

Hey guys I'm one two three ready one two three Hey Guys! And to finish it off, unlike last year where we had to push our car into the trailer this year, it could drive in under its own power now! I Hope you guys enjoyed our great comeback and remember no matter how badly you failed at something, if you really want it, don't give up. Learn from those mistakes and come back stronger. next time it'll make that Victory even more special.

18 thoughts on “What it actually takes to race a $500 car for 24 hours!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sysierius says:

    You guys need a big wing on the back

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Barkey says:

    Congratulations Chris and Team on a job well done!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muji Isnt luji says:

    I wanna see some drift stang content, it's been left out too long ;v;, also congrats on finishing the race chris

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucky Dube in RC says:

    what a load of BS rules

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LinkinPark4Ever1996 says:

    I'm still dreaming about the supercharged driftstang video 💪

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ran Varsano says:

    Congratulations on finishing the race, one thing to point out. Your hands at steering wheel must stay the same position (9 and 3) and not change hand position. Many if not all professional racing drivers are keeping their hands at the same position because it helps them not lose the center of the car, and in races you probably wont turn the steering wheel over 180°. In my opinion, I would keep the hands the same place. This is what I feel as I’m racing Karting. Keep up the good work and next race go for top 10 or podium!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meteora125 says:

    Good job guys, this was awesome! Congratulations!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OM3R says:

    Amazing job with the car and the race team soapy water.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mindaugas Baltmiškis says:

    To me it seems like red miata just started braking later, and took the inside line, and his front was with your rear door, so Gareth had to adjust his racing line so both cars could fit on the track, because it looks that red miata was on the edge of the track already. Just my opinion, could be wrong.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FullMetal says:

    "Driveshaft of shame flopping around"

    That's a new one 😀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joni C-137 says:

    Another awesome video,I was really waiting for the new race and it doesn't even fell like a year ago,it fells like 4 months ago,time does really fly

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Kennedy says:

    What a great heartwarming video 👏 bravo team, very happy for you ❤️

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GameOver says:

    Glad to see you were able to get the video, good job out there you guys

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xenon says:

    Great race

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrTefe says:

    Almost 10 million subscribers! Then you have to do a face reveal right?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NooBot Community says:

    346 laps, series 3-e46

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Richardson says:

    Amsoil ZRod is supposed to be a great oil if you don't have cats since it has extra zinc

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChrisFix says:

    So I have been having a bunch of problems with my computer and editing software but after 400hrs of editing (started in October) the video is finally done. There were a total of 8 cameras, 4TB of footage, and for whatever reason my supercomputer kept crashing. I am happy to say this one is done and now onto the DIY!!!! The 7th annual Christmas Gift Idea video is in a few days so stay tuned!!

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